Imagined heterosexuality with you, my ex who won’t stop calling

In one daydream I pour water over the freshly made lasagne

(that you clearly don’t appreciate) before you can even dig in

and before you can blink I am over at the neighbour’s making you my cuckold

In another I slock you over the head with an ornamental clock

(shaped like The Thinker) which was always our sexiest bedroom weapon

watch the blood drip down your cheek, my aproned curves in the reflection of your eyes

Maybe we’ll get married, settle down in Remuera, have two kids, a cat named Bagel

you’re sure my pussy is baggier and a million small violences are done to me on the daily:

you leave the seat up

we watch Inception for the seventh time

you leave the laundry to get wet on the line

our son takes up slut-shaming his classmates

I hold my tongue and never open the oven while the soufflé rises

in the bedroom you ask me please to start calling you daddy

and your body sloshes against mine until our shared repulsion for you kills us

Lily Holloway