Words by Francesca Pietkiewicz (she/they)
On the 20th day, Mary Magdalene is
Prurience-possessed by a
Mystically malicious, yet
A blessedly evil madonna: body of dead life-giving potential.
The serpent of her soul comes out once every blue moon.
Forbidden fruit bitten,
She is shivering stone-cold and paralysed
bleeding red as sacramental wine.
Baptised in fear, doubt, and false mystic truths
bites into half of her
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
or communion wafer?
To sleep where you choose is to suffer. Sacrifice all silver and gold,
the only treasure is torturous
and lies within the bronze
metal t-bar
cross-burning deep inside.
This week Delilah,
will cut her hair as well as Samson’s,
to help her shed, into a different skin,
along with all her tissue
and lining -
blood like rain pour
her divinity is lost along with
all confidence, a collapse with certainty and conviction.
Held, not at, but by the cross, crossing her heart
a break, a tear,
a child
partly grown,
But with no purpose
down the drain.