Te Mana Ola - The Pacific Health Strategy

Words by Sesila Watkins (she/her)

Te Mana Ola is the first ever Pacific health strategy, released in July 2023. It is a part of Pae Ora: Healthy Futures Strategy, written to help form more equitable, accessible, and cohesive health and wellbeing for Pasifika in Aotearoa.

Te Mana Ola is a for Pacific, by Pacific, based strategy, developed using engagement with Pacific peoples through 40 fono (meetings) throughout Aotearoa and data collection to ensure that the strategy aligns with what Pasifika for their health and wellbeing. What this engagement and data shows is that there is a desperate need for Pacific peoples to be prioritised in our health system and by our governments in order to alleviate disparte health outcomes for Pasifika. 

“Change of this scale will take time, however, health isn’t just a short-term outcome. These strategies provide the direction for lasting change,” said Dr Ayesha Verrall, Minister of Health, of the Pae Ora: Healthy Futures Strategy at its release. 

Te Mana Ola strategy sets out implementable actions to improve health outcomes, and ensures that those actions are fulfilled. It helps Pasifika feel confident in holding our governmental organisations to account if they do not fulfil actions to improve health and wellbeing needs for our community.

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