Rainbow Resources 

Saying “being a student is expensive” feels ridiculous at this point because, yes, we know. We’re very used to the exorbitant rent and the steadily increasing food costs and the fact that public transport still costs way too much even with tertiary discounts. Plus, these are just ordinary costs. What about students with disabilities or dependents? Students requiring identity-affirming support? LGBTQIA+ and Takatāpui students are at far higher risk of homelessness in an already dicey and expensive flatting market, just because they are queer. 

Universities are slowly but surely working on providing the necessary support for these situations, but it takes time and, of course, it's hard to spread awareness about the services available. So, let’s make some support services known: A week ago, the Rainbow Room (SU209) was blessed and formally opened. The room is the result of a collaboration between staff and students from UniQ, VUWSA, Rainbow Law, Clubs, and Manawa Ora. It exists as a space for queer and questioning students to seek community and find a safe location for study, relaxation, and support. As a bookable space, it is available for use by all LGBTQIA+ and Takatāpui students at Te Herenga Waka, regardless of whether they are part of any service or university club.  

Our Rainbow and Inclusion Adviser (and resident university-employed queer) Liam (any/all), is just across the hall in SU201. Liam is available to meet with and connect students with appropriate and queer-friendly services, both in the university, and the wider Te Whanganui a Tara region. 

If you have any questions or queeries relating to being queer or questioning, and you’re at the university, drop Liam at line at liam.bloomfield@vuw.ac.nz, or pop by and see him in the office (SU201) he shares with the Refugee Background Adviser, Kodrean.